Membership Form

    * Required

    Personal details

    When we register you with Swim England, we only have a choice of male or female for sex.

    Contact details

    Emergency contacts

    Medical history


    The club may wish to take photographs of individuals and groups of swimmers, which may include you. All photographs will be taken and published in line with the Swim England Photography Policy. The club requires consent to take and use photographs. You have a right to refuse agreement to being photographed. Please indicate your permission below. Please note you can withdraw your consent in writing to the club Welfare Officer at any time should you wish to do so.

    Additional information

    Contact preferences


      I have read the Club's Swimwear and Privacy Policies and agree to abide by the Club’s Code of Conduct.

      I declare that I am fit enough to swim and that I have taken and I am following any medical advice given to me in respect of this.

      I will report any relevant health issues to the coach at each swim session.